lots for sale

Schoenherr Homes can help you locate land to build your new home. Let us know if we can assist you. Here are some lots currently available and ready immediately for construction:

439 Axford Avenue, Lake Orion
All sports Lake Orion canal front lot
Walk out site
Water, sewer, gas, electric at street
80’x187’x22’x142’x96’ Water frontage
Please call: 248-693-6100

329 North Channel Street, Lake Orion
All sports Lake Orion canal front lot
Walk out site
Water, sewer, gas, electric at street
153’x105’x118’x30’ Water frontage
Please call: 248-693-6100

Lot 64 of "Hi-Hill Village No. 1"
Located at the corner of Hi Hill Drive and M-24
In Lake Orion
Water, Sewer, Gas, Electric at the street
Paved Road
Please call: 248-693-6100